Lotharius I (795-855) was Emperor of the so-called “MiddleEmpire”, which was named after him: Lotharingia. In 959 Lotharingia was divided in Lotharingia Inferior (977-1100) and Loharingia Superior (959-1100) In the 21st century, this area is still a point of intersection for French, German and Dutch languages and culture, with the English language as the common language for politics, commerce, industry and art. ‘Lotharius’ (Han Berghs,2012) , a collection of poems in four languages, underlines this international character of the Euro-region“Meuse and Rhine”, the former Lotharingia. ‘Lotharius, Four in One’ is a short version of Lotharius in which in each poem the four languages are mixed up and combined in a special way’. The poems speak for a great social involvement of life and love.
‘Lotharius, Four in One’, is een een gecomprimeerde versie van ‘Lotharius (2012), 40 Reflections’ in vier talen. Elk gedicht van de nieuwe bundel is op eigen wijze viertalig. ‘Lotharius Four in One’ is uitgegeven via Limburger.nl/mijnboek (2016).
ISBN 9789463184656
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